
Omelette burger with aromatic herbs - Omelette burger con erbe aromatiche - Omelette burger sa začinskimo biljem

There is nothing better then cooking with aromatic and wild herbs. Of course, growing your own aromatic herbs in a vase is the best way to make everyday cooking more perfumed and flavourful, isn't it true?! Rosemary was the very firs herb I have planted in a vase. I've brought some branches from my parents garden many years ago and  now I have small rosemary bush that went through snowy winters of Italian Po valley. Because it happen that it bloom in December, just before it starts snowing. And it's surviving in spite of minus temperature and ice!
Basil is the one I love most of all aromatic herbs I have on my balcony. Some of aromatic herbs I have are growing on the huge and sunny terrace. Our terrace was already very big before we enlarged our apartment, now it is even bigger. Useless to say that we have more and more vases and new plants on our terrace-garden.

Our kitchen balcony is situated on north-facing side of the building. The sun touches it early in the morning and very late in the afternoon and it's a perfect habitat for tender and water-craving plants like basil. Even thyme is growing strong and vigorous on the shady balcony. Nevertheless both these herbs need water every morning and you will not make a mistake if you give them some more water during the day. Basil will grow more tender, otherwise its leafs will be a bit smaller and fibrous. But the smell of freshly picked basil is always the one that reminds me of hot, summer days. This year I have sowed my basil, while I usually buy already grown plants and just arrange them in the bigger vase. I will have to bring my basil with me to Croatia and transfer still tiny plants into my parents garden, otherwise we won't find even a leaf of it when we come back to Italy after holidays.

On the other side of our house is situated our south-facing big terrace. It seams to me we have a small courtyard in front of our living room. Various plants and even some self-grown trees decorate the terrace. Yes, self-grown trees, because we have planted different seeds in a vase: apricots, cherries, peaches, walnut tree...other were brought by birds. It's not a jungle, but an ordinary mess that produces fruits, flowers and perfumed leafs and we love it as it is.

Sage is another one that crossed the border between my two countries. Its smell and flavour are very intense, it has to be used carefully. Sometimes its smell is even a bit unpleasant, but not enough unpleasant to repel millions of mosquitos that are so, so horrible and bite only me, nobody else is so sensitive in my family, I suffer these strong itches so much and have big puffed bites on all my body!
And what about parsley, I discover it growing in every possible place with some earth, its life cycle is so independent. You don't need to take care of it, it will grow, produce green leafs and  tiny flowers that will be suddenly transformed into minuscule seeds. Seeds will fall on the ground or will be blown in other vases and in spring you will have the vase full of narcissus, violets and parsley.

Ohhh there is also the mint and its perfume that reminds me of chawing gums! Now it is blooming and a bevy of bees and other insects are buzzing around its white and lilac flowers. Yes, we have two different mint varieties of mint and each of them has slightly different scent.

The scent, this is the common name for aromatic herbs in Italian cooking slang, because they leave their perfume when you touch them and they give good smell to the food.

Cooking during summer time should be easy and quick, but flavourful like this beautiful season is. When the day is so hot like July's days are and the scent of all these beautiful herbs tickle your nose, it's impossible not to think about a good food with freshly picked aromatic herbs! That day I have had some yeast in my fridge  so I decided to use it and I prepared some hamburger buns. But I didn't desire a real hamburger. I wanted something delicate and the omelette with plenty different flavours was the best option.
Summery, fresh, quick and easy!

PS: you can prepare for your sandwich another omelette, with borage and walnuts, I have prepared it some times ago and the recipe is here.

For 4 small omelette*:
5-6 eggs
mixed aromatic herbs: thyme, sage, parsley, mint, chives, basil (quantity as per your choice)
1 courgette cut into cubes and sautéed
a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil for cooking the omelette

*omelettes must be  as big as your burger buns are. For cooking the omelette use small fraying pan that has same dimension like your burger buns. I've seen in the shop a special frying pan with four holes, each hole is  big as one burger bun, but it was so expensive to me (30,00 euro!). Therefore I have used the smallest frying pan I have at home and I've cooked my omelettes one at the time.

For burger buns I have used my old recipe.

Some mixed salad for guarnishing the burger

Wash aromatic herbs and chop them into tiny pieces. I usually use scissors and cut them.
Whisk the eggs, add some salt, courgette and aromatic herbs and incorporate well into beatten eggs. I like a lot of aromatic herbs in my omelette, it's up to your taste.
Heat the frying pan, oil it with little oil and cook the omelette few minuts on one side, turn the omellet and cook it for another few minuts on the other side.
Cut burger bun in half, add some mixed salade on bottom part of burger bun, place the omelette over the salade, cover the omelett with some more mixed salade and cover all with the top part of burger bun.
If you like, you can add some dressing to your salad made with little salt and extra virgin olive oil.


Per 4 piccoli omelette*:
5-6 uova
erbe aromatiche miste: timo, salvia, prezzemolo, menta, erba cipollina, basilico (quantità a piacimento)
una zucchina tagliata a cubetti e saltata in padella
poco olio extravergine di oliva per friggere

* l'omelette devono essere grandi quanto sono grandi i vostri panini. Pre cucinare l'omelette usate un piccolo tegame che ha le dimensioni del vostro panino. Ho visto in un negozio i tegami speciali con quattro incavi tondi, ogni incavo è grande quanto un  hamburger, però mi è sembrato troppo caro (30,00 euro!). Perciò ho usato il tegame più piccolo che ho in casa e ho cotto un'omelette alla volta.

Per i panini da hamburger ho usato la mia vecchia ricetta.

Insalata mista per farcire il panino

Lavate e sminuzzate le erbe aromatiche. Io solitamente taglio le erbe con le forbici.
Sbattete le uova, aggiungete nelle uova un po' di sale, le zucchine cotte e le erbe aromatiche e mescolate bene insieme alle uova sbattute. A me piace metterci tante erbe, voi aggiungete tante quante preferite.
Riscaldate il tegame, ungetelo leggermente con dell'olio e cuocete l'omelette qualche minuto da un lato, girate l'omelette e cuocetelo per qualche minuto dall'altre parte.
Tagliate il panino a metà, sistemate un po dell'insalata mista sul panino, sistemateci sopra l'omelette e aggiungete ancora qualche foglia dell'insalata sull'omelette. Coprite tutto con la seconda metà del panino.
Se preferite, potete condire l'insalata con poco sale e olio extravergine d'oliva.


Mera za 4 mala omleta*:
5-6 jaja
miješano zaičinsko bilje: timijan, kadulja, peršin, metvica, vlasac, bosiljak (količina prema vlastitom ukusu)
1 tikvica narezana na kockice i prepržena na malo ulja
Malo ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulje za pečenje omleta

* Omlet mora biti velik kaliko je veliko vaše pecivo za hamburger. Za pečenje omleta koristite malu tavu koja ima istu dimenziju kao i peciva za hamburger. U dućanu sam vidjela specijalnu tavu s četiri rupe, svaka rupa je velika kao jedan hamburg, ali mi je bila preskupa (30,00 eura!). Zato sam pekla omlete u najmanjoj tavi koju imam kod kuće, i pekla sam omlete jedan po jedan.

Peciva za hamburger sam radila po svom starom receptu.

Miješana salata kao dodatak u pecivo.

Operite začinsko bilje i izrežite ga na sitne komadiće. Ja obično izrežem bilje škarama.
Izmutite jaja, dodajte u jaja malo soli, tikvice i začinsko bilje i dobro sve promiješajte. Ja volim puno začinskog bilje, a vi stavite po vlastitom ukusu.
Zagrijte tavu, ulijte na tavu vrlo malo ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja i pecite omlet nekoliko minuta s jedne strane, okrenite omlet i pecite ga još nekoliko minuta s druge strane.
Prerežite hamburger pecivo na pola, stavite miješanu salatu na donji dio peciva, stavite omelette na salatu, na omelett stavite još malo salate i sve pokrijte gornjim dijelom hamburger peciva.
Ako volite, možete malo začiniti salatu sa soli i ekstra djevičanskim maslinovim uljem.

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