
DIY How I dye my fabrics - Come tingo i tessuti - Kako bojim tkanine

I have been dyeing fabrics ever since I started this blog. I prefer gauze tissue, for both, dyeing and styling. For stayling because I find it more appropriate for my photos. It's soft and light and I can give it voluminous shape that gives the sense of movement to the image.
During all these years and even before I started blogging, I have gathered plenty of kitchen towels, but I never used most of them for my photo sets. Now my kitchen drawer (not only one!) is packed with different kitchen towels and I'm thinking of giving them away as a gift. It happen sometimes, you accumulate things and suddenly it becomes a problem. Space is missing to keep all these stuff and you even might dislike some of them after some time...But it's normal, year after year we are all changing, our style changes and it's a good sign.

Changing is something that open our eyes and our mind. And if you are a creative soul, changes are so inspiring. There is nothing worst then the rigid uniformity of your mind, it kills the enthusiasm and the creativity.

But do you know why am I dyeing fabrics? Because I'm never satisfied with colours or with texture of fabrics that I find in shops. Truly speaking, I have a very particular tastes. I'm aware of this. Everybody that knows me, is thinking exactly the same thing: she has impossible tastes. But if you know me and if you know what I really like, you wan't disappoint me. Now I hope you are not scared to make me a gift!

To avoid searching for a perfect fabric and the best colour of it, I've decided to do it myself. The idea of dyeing my gauze with only natural colours make me so excited. I love everything to be natural as much as possible. This time I've chosen walnuts. Walnut trees are growing all around my place, there is also a big walnut tree in our courtyard. Few years ago we have discovered a young walnut tree growing in one of our vase on the terrace and now and then we find some walnuts hidden under the leaves or half buried among plants.
From my spacy terrace I was observing big walnut tree in fornt of my place. Green walnut fruits are getting bigger and bigger day after day and eventually falling on the ground. It brought to my mind a dark, almost black liquor my mother usually prepares during summer time. Fruits changing colours from green to dark brown while immersed in the spirit. A new idea started buzzing in my head and I've decided to dye my gauze with walnuts!

Most of all, I like different shades I get each time I prepare the tincture. Not only it depend on the quantity of dyeing substance you are using, but also on the moment you harvest the fruits or plants.
First time I've got slightly lighter shade of coloure, but this time the colour of my gauze is so deep dark brown-gray that I'm even sorry that I had to trow it away!


Use only green pulp that cover wlnut shell
20-30 walnuts
2 lt  cold water
1 tablespoon sea salt

Cut green walnut pulp in smal pieces. Cover all with cold water, add salt and let it boil for half an hour, or untill you get deep black liquid. Allow to cool completely, filter the the liquid and immerse your fabric in it.
Let the fabric stay in the liquid for few days, the more it stays in the coloured liquid, the more dark colour you will get.


Utilizzare solo una polpa verde che copre il guscio delle noci
20-30 noci
2 lt acqua fredda
1 cucchiaio di sale marino

Tagliare la polpa verde delle noci in pezzi piccoli. Coprite tutto con acqua fredda, aggiungete sale e lasciate bollire per mezz'ora, o fino a quando otterrete un liquido nero scurissimo. Lasciate raffreddare completamente, filtrate il liquido e immergete il tessuto in esso.
Lasciate il tessuto nel liquido per qualche giorno, più rimarrà immerso nel liquido colorato e più il colore ottenuto sarà  scuro.


Koristite samo zelenu ovojnicu koja obavija ljusku oraha
20-30 oraha
2 litre hladne vode
1 žlica morske soli

Izrežite zelenu ovojnicu koje obavija ljusku oraha u male komadiće. Pokrijte sve hladnom vodom, dodajte sol i kuhajte pola sata ili dok ne dobijete vrlo tamnu crnu tekućinu. Ostavite da se potpuno ohladi, procijediti tekućinu i u nju uronite tkaninu.
Ostavite tkaninu u tekućini nekoliko dana, što će duže tkanina ostati uronjena u tekućini to ćete dobiti tamnije obojenu tkaninu.

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