This tremendous heat is making our life so difficult, but this hot summer is offering plenty of fresh and coloured vegetables and the aromatic herbs on my terrace are growing so strong and healthy this year. Nevertheless they need a lot care and water too, but it’s a gift to have the possibility to pick your own plants whenever you need some. I’m pretty sure I will find a space on my terrace next year to plant some vegetables too. The courgette is the one I’d like to try to cultivate, because we like to eat them prepared in so many different ways. Its flowers are so interesting, not flavourful, but so coloured, like a sun! If I had a garden with many courgettes, I’d put the flowers in the vase too. In my parent’s garden the courgettes grow very quickly, if you “forget” your courgette plant for one day you risk to find so big fruits and so many of them that you must give them away to neighbours and friends. I like to search for flowers hidden under big leaves and I like most the small courgettes with the flower on it, they are crunchy and the yellow petals give some coloured touch to each dish. And they get cooked in very short time and it’s not bad during hot summer days.
For two servings:
For two servings:
1 carrot1 medium courgette
some courgette’s flowers
½ shallot
aromatic herbs: mint, parsley, sage, thyme
pinch of salt
5 tablespoons of milk
3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
150 gr of tagliatelle cooked “al dente”
Wash and dry your vegetables and herbs. Cut courgette and carrot into julienne strips using a special cutter, but the knife will also do the job. Tear up courgette flowers into frays. Cut the shallot into small pieces and sauté it for few minutes with olive oil and some salt until it becomes soft. Add the vegetables and the flowers into the casserole and sauté it for about 5 minutes. Don’t overcook the vegetables, leave it “al dente”. At the end add the aromatic herbs reduced into small pieces and grated nutmeg, add milk and continue cooking until the milk becomes a sort of cream, 2 minutes will be enough.
Add tagliatelle into the casserole with the vegetables and mix all together.
If you like it, you can add some grated parmesan cheese on top.
La ricetta in italiano
Per due porzioni:
1 carota
1 zucchina media
qualche fiore di zucchina
½ scalogno
erbe aromatiche: menta, prezzemolo, salvia, timo
un pizzico di sale
noce moscata
5 cucchiai di latte
3 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva
150 gr di tagliatelle cucinate al dente
Lavare e asciugare la verdura e le erbe. Tagliare la zucchina e la carota alla julienne usando il tagliaverdure speciale per la julienne ,oppure il coltello. Ridurre i fiori delle zucchine in strisce. Tagliare lo scalogno a pezzi piccoli e farlo saltare per qualche minuto nell’olio di oliva con poco sale fino a quando diventerà morbido. A questo punto aggiungere nella casseruola la verdura e i fiori e far saltare tutto per circa 5 minuti. Lasciare la verdura al dente. Alla fine aggiungere le erbe aromatiche tagliate in pezzetti e la noce moscata grattugiata, aggiungere anche il latte e cuocere fino a quando il latte diventerà cremoso, ci vorranno circa 2 minuti.
Saltare le tagliatelle nella casseruola con le verdure.
Se vi piace, potete spolverare la pasta con poco parmigiano grattugiato.
Za dvije porcije:
1 mrkva
1 srednja tikvica
nekoliko cvijetova tikvice
½ ljutike
aromatično bilje: menta, peršin, žalfija, majčina dušica
prstohvat soli
muškatni oraščić
5 žlica mlijeka
3 žlica extra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja
150 gr agliatella skuhati “al dente”
Oprati i osušiti povrće i bilje. Narezati tikviceu i mrkvu na rezance “alla julienne”, a za rezanje upotrijebite poseban rezač za julienne ili nož. Iskidati cvjetove tikvica na rezance. Narezati ljutiku na komadiće i prepržiti ga u tavi s uljem i lagano ga posoliti. Pržiti ga dok ne postane mekan, te dodati u tavu povrće i cvjetove tikvica i sve zajedno dinstati oko 5 minuta. Ne treba prekuhati povrće, jer ono mora ostati cijelo i “al dente”. Na kraju dodati usitnjeno aromatično bilje, naribani muškatni oraščić i mlijeko, te kuhati oko 2 minute dok mlijeko ne postane kremasto.
U povrće dodati kuhane tagliatelle i dobro sve izmiješati.
Po želji posuti tagliatelle ribanim parmezanom.
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