
Sirup od cvjetova bazge - Elderflower syrup - Sciroppo si fiori di sambuco

Friday evening I went out from the office very late, but the sun was still high in the sky, shining warm and bright. The air was warm and I felt it! Linden perfume arrived to me mild and hardly perceptible, but I felt it, I know it so well, I like to so much. This spring is changing perfumes in so short time. Each of them is so special and announces new surprises. I like to immerse my face in the scents of plants and flowers. Smelling the flowers strongly tickles my nose and the perfume stays impressed in my mind for long time. It’s a beautiful feeling.
Extracting essences from flowers and plants is so fascinating. It’s incredible how some flavours and scents remain unchanged after preservation. Some of them get even stronger and more intense. Elderflowers have very intense fresh perfume and are full of pollen. When I came back from foraging few days ago, the seams of my jacket were yellow and some tiny flowers were hidden in my hear. It’s such a fun wandering in the fields and foraging herbs and flowers. When I start foraging, nothing can stop me and I always bring home too much stuff. It happened again with elderflowers…now I’m drying some flowers for a tisane too. The baking pan is in the oven full of flowers. This is the only space I have in my small kitchen away from dust, light and humidity - all you need to get quality elderflower tisane.
I’ll keep dried flowers in the glass vase for the winter and I’ve used fresh flowers to prepare this flavourful and refreshing beverage for hot summer days! If it’s well preserved it can last few months in the refrigerator.
Enjoy foraging elderflowers, but you need to go away from the city and the traffic. Flowers must be clean and without small black bugs that sometime hide in the hart of most beautiful flowers!


40 big and “open” flowers full of pollen
3,5 lt water
3 lemons cut in slices
3,5 kg sugar
100 gr citric acid (for alimentary use)

Put elderflowers (cut away green stalks) and lemon slices in a bit bowl, add water, cover the bowl and leave the flowers soaking for 24 hours. After this time filter the liquid using the colander covered with the clean kitchen cloth. Squeeze all the juices from flowers and lemons. Add into the liquid sugar and citric acid in the liquid and stir from time to time to allow the sugar to melt completely. It will take about another 24 hours. Pour the syrup into clean glass bottles, close the bottles and keep the syrup in the refrigerator.


40 fiori grandi, aperti e pieni di polline
3,5 lt di acqua
3 limoni non trattati tagliati a fette (con la buccia)
3,5 kg di zucchero
100 gr di acido citrico (per uso alimentare)

In una grande ciotola sistemare i fiori di sambuco (senza i steli verdi) e limoni affettati, aggiungere l’acqua, coprire la ciotola e lasciare i fiori in ammollo per 24 ore. Trascorso questo tempo filtrare il liquido attraverso un colino rivestito con un canovaccio da cucina pulito. Spremere bene tutto il succo dai fiori e dai limoni. Aggiungere nel liquido lo zucchero e l’acido citrico e mescolare di tanto in tanto per far sciogliere completamente tutto lo zucchero. Per questo ci vorranno altre 24 ore. Versare lo sciroppo nelle bottiglie di vetro pulite, chiudere le bottiglie e conservare lo sciroppo nel frigorifero.


40 velikih, rascvjetalih cvjetova bazge punih peludi
3,5 lt vode
3 ne tretiranih limuna narezanih na šnite (s korom)
3,5 kg šećera
100 gr limunske kiseline (prehrambene)

U veliku zdjelu staviti cvjetove bazge (odrezati zelene stabljike) i limun narezan na šnite, naliti vodu, pokriti zdjelu i ostaviti da se cvjetovi moče 24 sata. Nakon tog vremena procijediti tekućinu kroz cjedito prekriveno čistom kuhinjskom krpom. Dobro izžmikati sav sok iz cvjetova i limuna. U tekućinu todati šećer i limunsku kiselinu i svako toliko promiješati da se sav šećer otopi. Za to će trebati još 24 sata. Uliti sirup u čiste staklene boce, zatvoriti boce i čuvati sirup u hladnjaku.

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