
Homemade butter - Burro fatto in casa - Domaći maslac

Probably I've already told you that I hate wasting things, especially food. It's so pity to throw away something so precious, while billion of people in the world, children and adults, are suffering from hunger and chronic undernourishment.
Said that again, last day I didn't use all fresh cream I've both for peach clafoutis, so I have prepared fresh homemade butter and buttermilk. I have used the buttermilk while fresh for another delicious and quick recipe (I need to bake it again, because we devoured it in a moment and there are no pictures of the cake). Butter can be stored in the refrigerator for days, so it's worth to do it on your own, if you don't know how to finish your fresh cream.
It is fascinating how this white liquid transforms in a soft cloudlike whipped cream and after a while turns into its solid form. And it even changes the nuance! What to say, this is pure chemistry!


250 ml of fresh cream

Whip in a large bowl* fresh cream using kitchen mixer until you get while liquid (buttermilk) completely separated from the solid part (butter). Collect the buttermilk and put the butter into clean gauze and squeeze out all remaining buttermilk. Allow to drain overnight and that's it, your butter is ready.

* Use a bowl with the cover, because the liquid will spray microscopic drops all around.

La ricetta in italiano

250 ml di panna fresca

Montare la panna in una ciotola grande* con il mixer fino a quando il liquido (latticello) si separerà dalla parte solida (burro). Raccogliere il latticello e sistemare il burro in una garza pulita, spremere il latticello rimasto, lasciare sgocciolare per tutta la notte e il burro è pronto.

* Conviene usare una ciotola con il coperchio perché le microscopiche gocce di liquido schizzeranno tutto intorno.

Recept na Hrvatskom 

250 ml svježeg slatkog vrhnja

Miksati u velikoj zdjeli* slatko vrhnje dok se tekućina (mlaćenica) ne odvoji od čvrste tvari (maslac). Skupiti mlaćenicu i staviti maslac u čistu gazu, iscijediti preostalu mlaćenicu, ostaviti da se cijedi preko noći i maslac je gotov.

* Miksati u velikoj zdjeli s poklopcem, jer će mikroskopske kapljice špricati naokolo.Conviene usare una ciotola con il coperchio perché le microscopiche gocce di liquido schizzeranno tutto intorno.

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