
Slane kiflice od lažnog lisnatog tijesta - Salty croissants made of fake puff pastry - Brioche salate di pasta sfoglia veloce

Nowadays searching for new recipes in the web is so natural as once was so obvious exchanging handwritten recipes. Once these handwritten recipes were adjusted, corrected, changed and occasionally even lost among plenty of identical handwritten papers with the recipe of some buns or cakes we have had tasted somewhere during a bithday party or a dinner with friends and neighbours. Once even neighbouts were our friends, sometimes our best friends. And it was so natural to share a piece of cake with our neighbours. They were happy to receive such a treat, they admired its look with their eyes and they enjoyed its last, but most of all they appreciated our kindness. The reputation of a good pastry chef and baker was verbally announced first to the family, then to the condominium, to the town, while going to work to bus passengers, to colleagues at works...and so the rumour slowly driffted from person to person.

All this used to happen in far seventies, eighties, nighties and sometimes it still happens, but the tiny piece of paper is so vulnerable today. Attracted by the web and its always available offers there is no more place for the simple piece of paper and the handwritten recipe. Nevertheless my recipe notebook is full of paper cuttings with recipes that I never did at the end and even forgot what recipe it was for, because I often roughly put on the paper only doses and a few words describing the procedure. Most interesting to me are the recipes for raising dough and baked stuff. I can't resist of making them again and again and gathering every kind of recipes for fluffy or crispy baked dough!
Sharing food was something I compare now to sharing pictures of food in the web along foodbloggers and occasional or usual blog readers. Somebody like our recipe, someone likes the immage of the food, others are admiring the photography technique of the picture we have shared. But nobody has tasted the final result of our treat. Nobody can guaranty that the recipe really works, that the dish tasts exactly as we decribe it in a short or long text that comes along the picture.
But it's a matter of honour to share good recipe, the one that works and the everybody can replicate without doubts and problems. Until now I was lucky, the recipes I have tested were exactly as I expected them to succeed! It's the case with these croissants, so quick and easy to do. Moreover the trick of folding the dough if fantastic. You will get a fake puff pastry with a pastry sheets a bit thicker then the real one, but you will need only 2-3 hours time to bake them. The original recipe wrote one of my fellow foodblogger! I have slightly changed the recipe reducing the quantity of butter in it.
When you don't have much time and you need something salty and buttery to serve with a good glass of fresh wine, go for it. I made them for the first time last weekend and the result is the one you see on pictures. I'm sure you will finish them in a second, they are irresistible freshly baked and still warm.


Za tijesto:
350 gr brašna
1,50 dl mlijeka
1 dl vode
1 žličica soli
10 gr svježeg kvasca
1 žličica šećera od trske za kvasac

Za nadjev:
80 gr maslaca

* 1 cijelo jaje, razmućeeno i miješane sjemenke ili krupna sol za posipanje

Otopiti kvasac i 1 žlićicu šećera od trske u malo mlakog mlijeka, ostaviti da se diže 10 minuta.
Zagrijati mlijeko i vodu (ne treba vrijati).
U zdjelu staviti brašno i kvasac, te početi mijesiti mikserom. Postepeno u tijesto dodavati mlijeko, pa vodu i miksati 10 minuta. Na kraju dodati u tijesto sol i mijesiti još par minuta. Pokriti zdjelu poklopcem ili prozirnom folijom i ostaviti da se tijesto diže dok se volumen ne udvostruči.
Razvući tijesto u pravokutnik debljine 1 cm i namazati maslace po cijeloj površini tijesta.
Potom tijesto zarolati i podijeliti u 6 jednakih dijelova. Dobro pobrašniti radnu površinu i razvaljati jedan dio tijesta u krug debel 0,5 cm. Izrezati krug od tijesta na 6-8 trokutova, zarolati svaki trokut u malu kiflicu.
Ponoviti ovaj postupak s ostalim komadima tijesta.
Poslagati kiflice na pleh za pečenje, pokriti pleh huhinjskom krpom i ostaviti da kiflice odstoje 15 min.
U međuvremenu zagrijati pećnicu na 180°C.
Kiflice peći 20minuta.
* Prije nego to ubacite kiflice u pećnicu, možete ih premazati razmućenim jajetom i posuti raznim sjemenkama ili krupnom soli. Ja sam ostavila kiflice bez posipanja!


For the dough:
350 gr flour
1,50 dl milk
1 dl water
1 teaspoon salt
10 gr fresh yeast
1 teaspoon cane sugar for the yeast

For the filling:
80 gr butter at room temperature

* 1 egg for egg wash and various seeds or sea salt for garnish

Dissolve the yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar in little lukewarm milk and let it raise for 10 minutes.
Warm up the milk and the water (don’t boil it).
In one bowl put the flour and the yeast and start to knead the dough with the mixer. Gradually add in the mixture milk and water and continue to knead for about 10 minutes. At the end add a salt and knead for another few minutes. Cover the bowl with the PVC wrap or the bowl cover and leave the dough to raise until it double the volume.
Roll the dough to 1 cm high rectangle and spread softened butter over entire surface of the dough. Roll up the dough and cut it into 6 equal pieces.
Flour well the working surface and roll first piece of the dough into round form thick 0,5 cm. Cut it into 6-8 triangles, fold each triangle and create small croissants.
Repeat this step with all remaining pieces of the dough.
Place croissants on the baking tray covered with parchment, cover it with kitchen towel and leave to rest 15 minutes.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 180°C.
Bake croissants for 20 minutes.
* If you like, before baking spread the croissants with egg wash and some seeds or sea salt. I preferred leaving my croissants simple without garnishing!


Per la pasta:
350 di farina “00”
1,50 dl di latte
1 dl di acqua
1 cucchiaino di sale
10 gr di lievito di birra
1 cucchiaino di zucchero di canna per il lievito

Per la farcia:
80 gr di burro ammorbidito

* 1 uovo intero sbattuto e semi vari o sale grosso per decorazione

Sciogliere il lievito e 1 cucchiaino di zucchero di canna in poco latte tiepido e lasciare lievitare per 10 minuti.
Riscaldare il latte e l’acqua (senza farli bollire).
In una ciotola unire la farina ed il lievito e cominciare ad impastare con il mixer. Gradualmente aggiungere all'impasto il latte e l’acqua e continuare ad impastare per 10 minuti. Alla fine aggiungere all’impasto il sale e impastare ancora per qualche minuto. Coprire la ciotola con la pellicola trasparente oppure con il coperchio della stessa ciotola e lasciare a lievitare fino al raddoppio del volume dell’impasto.
Stendere la pasta in un rettangolo spesso 1 cm e spalmare il burro su tutta la superficie della pasta. Arrotolare la pasta e tagliate il rotolo di pasta i 6 pezzi della stessa dimensione.
Infarinare bene la superficie di lavoro e stendere un pezzo di pasta col mattarello dandogli la forma sferica alta 0,5 cm. Tagliare la pasta in 6-8 triangoli, arrotolare ogni triangolo formando dei piccoli croissants.
Ripetere questa operazione con i rimanenti pezzi di pasta.
Sistemare i croissants sulla teglia rivestita da carta da forno, coprire la teglia con un canovaccio da cucina e lasciare riposare i croissants per 15 min.
Nel frattempo riscaldare il forno a 180°C.
Infornare e cuocere 20 minuti.
* Prima di infornare i croissants, se desiderate potete spalmarli con l’uovo sbattuto e cospargere con vari semi o col sale grosso. Io ho lasciato le mie brioches lisce!

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