
Breskve iz pećnice s čokoladnim filom - Baked peaches with chocolate and amaretti filling - Pesche ripiene con cioccolato e amaretti

Last three peaches were waiting patiently in my fruit basket since some time before I finally used them. They have lost their hard texture already and I've decided to bake them in the oven. I like fruits baked in the oven very much and these peaches were perfect to eventuallly try this recipe. I was always curious about it and I've thought that it is not so delicious at the end and even that ir is too simple to cook it. But my last three peaches were no more tempting us and they were sitting in the basked for days...their skin were slightly rugose, because their season is over for this year and I kept them in my fruit basket for too long. Nevertheless I still see plenty of big, ripe peaches in the market and it's hard to resist from purchsing those beautiful fruits, but I can't miss new very seasonal fruits that appear everywhere.
The recipe for this dessert is so quick and simple!

So why have I waited so long? I know, I'm late, I'm so damn late in everything I plan to do this year. Actually since some years time is running so fast and I can't make up for lost time. There is always something more urgent to do that put aside all the rest in my life.
Therefore it always take so much time to finally present the new recipe.

Before you all forget about summertime and sweet and ripe peaches, or for all of you that can still find some golden peaches with the hard, but juicy pulp, I wrote the recipe, I took some pictures and prepared a small late-summer post, because I'm always late!


3 breskve
1 žumanjak
5 keksa od badema amaretti (ili nekih drugih suhih keksi)
2 male žličice šećera od trske
2 male žličice gorkog kakaa u praha
listići badema za ukrašavanje

Oprati breskve, obrisati ih i prerezati ih na pola.
Ukloniti koštice i s čajnom žličicom odstraniti iz sredine svake breskve malo pulpe.
U zdjeli zgnječite pulpu iz bresaka, dodati sve ostale sastojke i promijšati.
Napuniti breskve i po filu posipati listiće badema.
Peći 30 minuta na 180 ° C
Poslužite ih tople.


3 peaches
1 egg yolks
5 crumbled almond cookies amaretti
2 teaspoons of cane sugar
2 teaspoons of bitter cocoa powder
almond flakes for decoration

Wash and dry peaches, cut peaches in half.
Remove the kernel and with a teaspoon remove some pulp from the center of each peach.
In a bowl mash peach pulp, add all other ingredients and incorporate all together.
Fill the peaches, sprinkle the filling with almond flakes.
Bake for 30 minutes at 180 ° C
Serve them hot.


3 pesche
1 tuorlo d'uovo
5 amaretti sbriciolati
2 cucchiaini da caffè di zucchero di canna
2 cucchiaini da caffè di cacao amaro in polvere
mandorle in scaglie per decorazione

Lavare le pesche, asciugarle e tagliarle a metà.
Estrarre il nocciolo e con un cucchiaino togliere un po' di polpa dal centro di ogni pesca.
In una ciotola schiacciare la polpa delle pesche, aggiungere tutti gli altri ingredienti e incorporare tutto insieme.
Riempire le pesche, cospargere il ripieno con le mandorle in scaglie.
Infornare per 30 minuti a 180°C
Servirle calde.

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