Even if nowaday everybody wants to eat healthy and organic food as much as possible, it's not so easy to find it in the market every day.
Even the most remote farmers sometimes use chemical substances to protect the harvest from insects and diseases.
Even if the quantity of chemical substances is very small and not harmful for our health, there are other bad substances that are arriving with the wind and water, so at the end we can't totaly escape from chemistry in our diet!
Even if there are so many natural ways to coltivate healty food, if the land is near to roads and big towns, can it be absolutely pure?
I have so many doubts in my head about real organic food, but I persist in searching and providing healthy, seasonal and organic food each time I can. We must preserve our health and the health and long life of our eart!
If you are lucky and you find nice pure organic lemons in the market, make a good supply of these seasonal fruits.
Citrus fruits, especially lemons can be conserved for long time in fresh places, even in refrigeratos.
And you can consume the whole fruit, if you find fruits with edible peel.
Last week I've purchased plenty ripe lemons with edible peel and while I was preparing some lemon cookies, I thought, why not preparing flavoured sugar with the lemon zest too? So I've prepared my homemade flavoured sugar and I keep it now in a jar in refrigerator. It's easy to do it and when you finish the work your hands will be perfumed and velvety soft, because the natural oils from lemon zest have beneficial effects on the skin.